An Overview Of Dental Bridges

Dental Bridge Carrum Downs

Gone are the days when people who had an unattractive dental structure or unsightly smile had no option but to live with their stained, chipped, or spaced teeth. Today, the world of dentistry has significantly grown. There is a wide variety of aesthetic dental treatments that can correct almost everything ranging from minor dental flaws such as discoloration to complicated procedures such as dental implants, veneers, and dental bridges.

If you have recently lost your tooth due to various reasons such as dental trauma, tooth decay or any other medical condition, you might be wondering what the available tooth replacement options for you are. A missing tooth can significantly reduce one self-confidence as well as experience some discomfort while chewing and speaking. Whether you have gapped teeth or have lost a tooth, replacing your tooth with a natural-looking prosthetic device known as dental bridges is the most ideal way.

This article is going to take a closer look at dental bridges and the benefits that come with them.

What are Dental Bridges?

Dental bridges are a perfect solution for people who have lost their tooth or have gaps in between their mouth that is making their teeth loose. The dental bridge will fill the space where something is missing. This helps in creating a natural appearance as well as helps restore the tooth. While the jaw bone will secure other tooth replacement options such as dental implants, dental bridges will be secured by the adjacent teeth. These teeth are also known as the abutment teeth. Your dentist will place the replacement tooth in between surrounding teeth which already exist to hold it in place.

Types of Dental Bridges

Four main types of bridges work in their way and accommodate the needs of different people.

– Traditional Fixed Bridges

This type of bridge is used to create a filler tooth that is supported by dental crowns. These crowns are placed over healthy teeth that are on the sides of the missing teeth to keep the bridge intact. Traditionally fixed bridges are the most commonly used bridges, and usually, they are made of ceramics or porcelain fused to metal.
Traditional Fixed bridges are used to fill in the gaps where there are healthy teeth on both sides of the gap. The healthy teeth are used to offer support to a bridge between them. These teeth will first need to be reshaped so that they can be fitted with the crowns before the bridge is placed.

– Cantilever Bridges

Cantilever bridges are commonly used when you have a single missing tooth either in the front or middle part of your teeth. This type of bridge involves replacing a missing tooth and placing a crown on one side of the healthy tooth to offer support to the bridge and keep it intact. This bridge type is not usually used on the back teeth because their chewing force can be great.

– Maryland Bonded Bridges

Maryland bonded bridges are also referred to as resin-bonded bridges. They are often made from plastic, porcelain or porcelain with metal. These bridges are all gum supported by porcelain or metal framework. The porcelain or metal wings are mostly bonded to one side of the bridge on the existing healthy teeth. Placement procedure of these bridges is often very easy and effective. It involves minimal alterations of the nearby teeth because it does not need reshaping and placement of dental crowns on other teeth.

– Removable Bridges/ Partial Dentures

While most of these bridges are permanently fixed into a person’s mouth, there are still some people who may prefer or benefit from the removable bridge. Similar to traditional bridges, removable bridges are customised to match a patient’s original teeth. These bridges are designed to have a gum coloured plastic base which is attached to the nearby teeth with precision attachments or metal clasps. Usually, this type of bridge is cheaper than dental crowns or implants,and they do not always offer the same stability or natural-look that fixed bridge offers.

Benefits of Dental Bridges

People are always not immune to different dental problems. That creates a good reason why it is vital to always schedule routine dental check-ups with your dentist. However, if you have a missing tooth or gaps in between your mouth, dental bridges always come in handy. As long as they have been properly placed by your dentist and you properly cared for, they can provide you with high comfort and aesthetic. Here are some of the benefits you can accrue from dental bridges.

– Aesthetic

With dental bridges, your missing tooth will not only be replaced, but the colour and shape of your natural tooth will be restored. A dentist with experience in the field knows how to provide good spacing between the bridge and the natural teeth and also add a bit of flexibility. If you are looking for bridges that will perfectly match with your existing natural teeth, then porcelain material can adequately deliver that. Porcelain is also very resistant to stain.

– Durable

According to research, dental bridges are as durable as dental crowns. Yes, their durability cannot be compared to the natural tooth,but they will surely last for a lifetime if they are taken good care of. Ideally, the average lifespan of a dental bridge is a decade. Keep in mind that a part of your natural teeth is beneath the bridge and regular wear of the teeth will also affect the durability of the bridge. Schedule a dental appointment with a reputable dentist for dental bridge placement procedure for you to enhance the lifespan of your bridges.

– Secure

With dental bridges, you don’t have to worry that there will be instances when your bridges will slip out of the mouth. Your dentist will securely fix it into the mouth. Also, you don’t have to be concern that you will keep taking them out for cleaning.

– The procedure is Less Invasive that Dental Implants

one of the most common reasons whymost people prefer bridges is that they are less invasive. When it comes to dental implants, the entire process involves multiple surgical procedures. Moreover, you might be required to undergo another procedure of bone grafting if you don’t have sufficient bone structure. On the other hand, dental bridges are only fixed on your mouth without having to undergo some painful surgical procedures.

– Does not Consume Much Time

Another major benefit with dental implants is that the entire process is not time-consuming. Your dentist will quickly cement the bridge in place. Generally, dental bridges may consume a bit more time compared to dental crowns. However, the time consumed when it comes to dental bridges will still depend on the type of bridges you have selected. The entire process will only take two dental appointments to be completed.

– Prevents Bone Loss

When you lose a tooth, many adverse effects may occur to your oral health. Some of these effects are irreversible. Among these adverse effects that may occur isa bone loss in your jaws. The jaws need constant stimulation from the teeth when they connect for it to maintain its mass. The stimulation that will come from the dental bridges will damage the jaw bone to maintain its mass thus preventing bone loss.

– Restores Bite Force

Since the dental bridge will act as a replacement to your natural tooth, it will help you restore the biting force. This will help you to use your teeth evenly while chewing your food. It distributes the force evenly throughout the mouth unlike when you are forced to use one side more than other due to a missing tooth. The other reason why dental bridges have an awesome chewing force is that the forces are mainly passed to the adjacent teeth more than it is to the gums. Therefore, the teeth will perform the chewing process just like natural teeth would do. By Contrast, tooth replacement option such as dentures rests the chewing force exclusively on the gums.

– Prevents Changes in Shape of Your Face

The teeth play an integral role when it comes to supporting the facial structure. When you lose your teeth, it means that you will also lose that support. This causes the shape of your face to change making you appear older than you are. Dental bridges provide the same kind of support your natural teeth provides. This will help you prevent your face from changing in shape.

– Enables You to Speak Properly

Some tooth replacement options such as dentures can impact on the patient’s ability to pronounce some words in the right way. Missing teeth also alter your speech. Since dental bridges function and feel just like natural teeth, they enable you to speak naturally and easily.

– Easy to Maintain

Dental bridges do not require you to purchase any special products so that you can clean them. There is no need for any special flossing equipment, cleansing tablets or adhesive. You will be required to take care of dental bridges just the same way you do to your natural teeth. Ensure to always brush your teeth at least twice a day and floss at least once.

– Prevent Teeth From Shifting or becoming Loose

The fact that teeth are naturally arranged neatly in a row, they provide support to each other preventing them from shifting or becoming loose. However, if you have a missing tooth, your teeth are at risk of shifting or becoming loose due to lack of support. Shifting of the teeth can lead to oral complications such as tooth decay, change in your bite or gum disease.

Dental Bridge Installation Procedure

The Initial Consultation

During the initial consultation, your dentist will first carry out a dental examination to determine if dental bridges are the right tooth replacement option for you. The dentist may use dental x-rays for a more comprehensive diagnosis. If you desire to have an implant supported bridge, this process will be a bit more complex than usual. It may involve the use of a CT scan as well as other advanced tests. He/she will also examine the health of your gums and other teeth to determine if you’re a good candidate for the treatment.

Once the dentist has identified that dental bridges arethe ideal solution for you, you will be advised of different materials that can be used to make your replacement tooth. In most cases, the material to be used will depend on the position in the mouth the bridge is going to be placed. Also, this fully depends on whether or not you have the habit of grinding your teeth, a condition known as bruxism. Your budget will also determine the type of material to be used. With the advancement of technology today, bridges can be fabricated from a combination of different materials. Porcelain can be combined with metal or porcelain and gold. They can also be made out of high-strength metal-free materials such as alumina and zirconia.

During the Procedure

During the installation of the dental bridge, your dentist will first administer local anaesthesia. This helps to prevent any pain or discomfort while the dentist is preparing the adjacent teeth that are supposed to offer support to the replacement tooth. In case the adjacent teeth are badly damaged or decayed, the dentist may have to treat them before proceeding with dental bridge placement procedure.

Next, the dentist will use a putty-like material to create a model of your teeth. Your teeth will be fabricated by a skilled lab technician based on the model. The lab technician needs to be accurate so that the replacement tooth can accurately and comfortably fit on the gap. It is vital that your bridge fit in you in the right manner to avoid any future oral complications such as tooth decay.

While your bridge is being fabricated in the lab, your dentist will fit you with a temporary tooth. It helps protect your teeth and gums from any damage before your permanent bridge can be ready. You will be required to go back to the dentist office for a second visit. The dentist will fit you with the bridge and cement it during this visit.

Post-Operative Care for a Dental Bridge

Healthy teeth are vital for both your confidence and well-being. Rendering to a recent study by the Australian Dental Association, half of the people above 50 years old think that a smile is the only bodily feature that remains the most attractive as people get old. That is the reason many people who have recently lost their teeth opt for dental bridges to keep their smile complete. If you have already received dental bridges, taking care of them is important for a stable smile and a healthy mouth. Here are a few simple tips you should apply to help you maintain your dental bridges in good shape.

dental bridges

– Maintain Good Dental and Gum Care

The key to any beautiful is smile is to maintain good dental and gum health. Luckily, taking good care of your dental bridges has no much difference with your natural teeth. Brush your bridge just as you do to your natural teeth and do it for at least twice a day. Use a quality toothbrush to keep both your natural teeth and bridge clean and healthy. The chances are that your dentist will recommend a good toothbrush and toothpaste for you.

Additionally, floss at least once a day. This is to ensure that food particles don’t get stuck around your bridges. If you need to be more careful with your bridges, you can commit to flossing after every meal. You may also try water flossing. Water flossing involves using a tiny instrument to clean your teeth using water only. However, you need to be careful while flossing during the healing stages of the dental bridge since you might pull out the bridge if you are too aggressive.

– Use Fluoridated Products

Products that contain fluorides such as mouthwashes and toothpaste are important for the continued health of your teeth. Fluoride helps in strengthening the teeth enamel and also helps in fighting off the damaging effects of bacteria and acids. Also, fluoride can help in reversing any early signs of tooth decay. Use products recommended by the Australian Dental Association to make sure that they contain the right amount of fluoride.

– Avoid Ice and Hard Foods

Chewing on ice is the most damaging effect on your dental health irrespective of if you have dental bridges or not. Chewing on the ice and other hard foods can lead to a fracture on your natural teeth as well as bridges. Such cracks can worsen with time, leading to painful and costly dental procedures.

– Visit Your Dentist Regularly

One of the great things to do to your dental bridges as well as all your natural teeth is to visit your dentist on a regular basis. It is recommended that you visit your dentist at least twice a year.

Cost of Dental Bridges

Typically, a dental bridge can cost anywhere between $500 per artificial tooth to $1200 per tooth. This means that a dental bridge with a single pontic will cost less than two or more pontics. However, the cost may vary depending on some factors. Here are some of them:

– The Material Used to Make the Bridge

Certain material will cost more than others. For example, some advanced materials such as zirconia or porcelain will cost more than other types of dental bridges made of other materials. However, since such materials are durable and can last for up to a decade, most patients consider investing in them to keep their smile brighter for long.

– The Complexity of the Procedure

Some dental bridge placement procedures will require more time and skills compared to others. For example, placing an implant-supported bridge will be more complex than placing a traditional bridge. This means that the implant-supported bridge will attract a higher cost than the traditional one.

– The Experience of the Dentist Placing the Bridge

A dentist who is reputable for their experience and expertise in the field may charge more than those who are just starting out. Similarly, if your dentist works with a well-renowned implant specialist or ceramist, he/she may charge a higher price. Nonetheless, a majority of patients are always willing to pay a little bit higher to ensure that they have received optimal results.

– The Fabrication Process

In most cases, dental bridges are made from dental labs. However, a dentist can be able to fabricate it in his/her office on the same day. However, in the event that the dentist fabricates it within the same day, it will cost the patient a little bit more. This is because the dentist will need to use some advanced dental technology to fabricate dental bridges within the same day.

– Geographical Location

Geographical location also plays a major role when it comes to the cost of dental bridge placement. Patients who live in major urban areas may end up paying more than patients from a rural set-up.


Dental bridges compared to other tooth replacement options comes with a lot of benefits. This simple procedure provides you with an appealing cosmetic result that eliminates the space, creating a uniform and beautiful smile. It also helps you eliminate biting problems that arise when you have one or more missing teeth. The process is also preferred by a majority of people because is non-invasive and involves no pain or discomfort. Receiving dental bridges is also quicker compared to other tooth replacement options. It will only require two dental visits for the entire process to be complete.

With proper care, dental bridges can last up to 10 years. This means that you won’t have to worry about short-term replacement of the bridges. The option is also very affordable compared to other options such as dental implants. With dental bridges, you don’t have to suffer the negative effects of staying without a tooth. Visit your dentist today and start the journey to restoring that beautiful smile.

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