Healthy Teeth for Children is the Key to Future Dental Health

Healthy Teeth for Children is the Key to Future Dental Health

Your child’s first teeth are known as primary teeth. Most of these teeth, if not all, will fall out and be replaced by permanent teeth by the time your child reaches 12 years old. However, it is still very important to keep your child’s primary teeth clean and healthy. Your child needs these teeth for proper chewing, speaking and growth. Healthy primary teeth will pave the way for healthy permanent teeth. Dental care should start even before your child’s first tooth grows in. Here are simple tips you can use to help your child retain his or her healthy teeth for a long time:

  • Rinse teeth with water after meals

Do not brush your child’s teeth till they start feeding on solid foods. You can basically rinse their mouth and wipe their teeth with some water after meals to clean out food remains which causes tooth decay. As soon as your child’s teeth begin to erupt, you can now begin to usea small toothbrush with soft bristles, even though you are not really brushing them. This will teach your children about healthy brushing techniques for the future.

  • Teach your child healthy eating habits

Healthy eating habits are essential for your children’s dental health. Most of the teeth cavities in baby teeth result from poor feeding habits during their very young ages. Letting your child sleep with a bottle may result in early oral health problems. Immediately your child is done feeding; you should take the bottle away from him to avoid prolonged exposure of teeth to fluids containing sugars.

  • Amount of Toothpaste

When you child reaches the age of 3, you may begin introducing them to oral hygiene by giving them small amounts of fluoride toothpaste. This will help in preventing dental cavities. In case the taste of toothpaste is unpleasant to your child, you can find a different flavour that they may prefer. Also, it is recommended to try and discourage your child from swallowing the toothpaste.Although at such an age it can be challenging for them to rinse their mouth and spit properly. Swallowing excessive fluoride toothpaste may result in brown or white stains on your child’s permanent teeth.

  • Brushing Motion

Obviously, you’ve heard all kinds of stories on the best motions and techniques of brushing teeth. The fact is that the techniques and motions do not really matter. The most important thing is to carefully brush each tooth, in and out, top and bottom. In most cases, this is where your child will start resisting, and you’ll probably pay more attention to the front teeth that the child sees. Turning teeth brushing into a game may really help so that you engage your child more.

  • Dental Check-ups

During the child’s regular check-ups, the paediatrician will examine the teeth and gums of your child to make sure they are healthy. If the dentist notices any oral issues, he/she may recommend you take your child to a paediatric dentist or a general dentist who has an interest in treating dental needs of kids.


Visit Carrum Downs Dental Clinic for all your child’s dental need. We have paediatric dentists that are specialised in early dental treatment to offer your children with the best dental care in a safe environment. Your children’s dental health begins at home and continues in our dental office. Contact us today to schedule your appointment.