During pregnancy, women experience numerous body changes, and this includes changes in the oral cavity that can highly affect their oral health. Therefore, pregnant women must be fully aware of these changes so that they can take positive oral health care measures. Pregnancy leads to hormonal changes thus increasing the risk of developing cavities, pregnancy tumour (pyogenic granuloma), pregnancy gingivitis, tooth erosion, and gum disease. All of these oral problems can become intense affecting the health of the unborn baby.
So, here are some tips to help you maintain your good dental health during pregnancy.
– Eat a Balanced Diet
You are probably experiencing all sorts of crazy food cravings now that you are pregnant, however, try as much as possible to avoid sugary and acidic foods such as sodas and candies. These foods can destroy your tooth enamel and encourage bacterial growth. Hormonal changes already make you prone to gum infections and all the health complications that come with it. Therefore, you do not want to add fuel to the fire. Also, you must take a lot of calcium since your baby’s teeth need it for proper development. Some of the great sources of calcium are leafy greens and dairy products such as milk and yogurt.
– Turn Flossing into a Daily Routine
Pregnancy increases your risk of developing gum disease. About 40% of pregnant women develop gum disease sometime during their pregnancy. To prevent this, it is advisable that you floss regularly. Flossing once a day helps to remove bacteria and clean out food remains that are stuck in between your teeth thus keeping them from turning into plaque. Plaque is a sticky substance that can lead to gum irritation and eventually resulting in gum disease. However, if you are already suffering from gum disease, visit your dentist immediately. When gum disease is not treated soon enough, it might turn into periodontitis which is a more severe problem that can destroy your jawbone and gums.
– Chew Gum with Xylitol
Xylitol is a natural sweetener which helps to reduce cavity-causing bacteria in your mouth. It is advisable that you chew gum with xylitol or rinse your mouth with fluoride to reduce bacteria that cause tooth decay. Chew the gum three to four times a day, especially after eating.
– Do not Brush after Morning Sickness
Morning sickness is most common during the first three months of pregnancy, and it can increase the level of acidity in your mouth hence eroding the tooth enamel. After an episode of morning sickness rinse your mouth with water rather than brushing your teeth immediately. Rinsing your mouth will give saliva time to neutralize the acidic effects, and then brush your teeth an hour later.
– Visit the Dentist
Visiting the dentist during pregnancy will ensure that your mouth is in perfect condition. Get the necessary treatment before you deliver the baby and take care of your mouth after the baby is born.
Bottom Line
If you are experiencing any oral problems or you want to have the peace of mind that comes with regular dental check-ups, do not hesitate to book an appointment with us at Carrum Downs Dental Clinic. Our friendly and approachable dentists would be glad to answer any of your questions and to help keep your mouth healthy during your pregnancy.
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