Most parents have a hard time grappling with the dilemma of when to first take their children to the dentist and so they wait till all the teeth have grown or when a problem arises, both of which are not good decisions.
When should the first visit take place?
And what happens?
If the child suffers from any oral deformities like a cleft lip or from an injury, the visit may be scheduled earlier than for others. However, if the child does not suffer from any visible oral problems, dental experts recommend that the visit should take place six months after the first tooth sets in that is around the age of one. This is to check on any abnormalities that may arise from the prolonged use of the bottle, tooth decay, and any possible issues with their oral tissues. The professionals may also check on the child’s bite. The first visit is mostly meant to familiarise the child with the dentist’s office and some of the tools used. The parent is also briefed on how to care for the oral health of the child. Some of the areas dentists educate parents on include, teething, hygiene practises that prevent cavities, and a child’s oral habits like thumb sucking. Nutrition is also discussed to help the child grow strong, healthy teeth. Dentists recommend checkups every six months after that.
When to go for the first dental X-ray
Most children have their first x-rays around the age of 4-6 years when their adult teeth start to grow after their milk teeth start falling off. The X-rays are meant to identify areas with potential problems, for instance, if the teeth are growing in place or cavity complications have set in.
Recommended age for the first visit to the orthodontist
An orthodontist is a dentist who has undergone further training and specialises in the diagnosis and correction of teeth and jaws that are out of place. They also work towards the prevention of the occurrence of misplaced jaws and teeth. A parent may make this trip when the child is in their early teenage years; from around 12 when all their permanent teeth have set in, but dentists recommend the first visit to be as early as around the age of seven. The orthodontic evaluation will not only tell if the child needs to have their teeth aligned but also show if there is a need to correct the child’s jawline. The orthodontist may recommend the use of bands, brackets, wires, headgear, rubber bands, or retainers. Braces are still used the most in teeth alignment. They are made from different materials like stainless steel, ceramic, plastic, or alloys like copper with titanium or nickel-titanium which last longer and need less adjustment compared to stainless steel wires.